Do you want to start a business in Malaysia during this MCO 3.0?
I made a start a business in Malaysia video last year during MCO 1.0 and it looks like the MCO is just following us and I do not know when it’s going to be finished. So today I’m going to record a new MCO 3.0 version that you can use if you want to start your business right now.
This video is for those who want to start as well as those people who already have brick and mortar shops and now you want to adapt to this current situation and start your business using online strategies.
Just a note. If you’re looking for things like how to register your company or set up your bank account, this video is totally not about that. It is important for you to register and get a bank account because these are the things for your customers to trust you. If you want those advice just search for company secretaries and most probably they were able to help you or advise you to do that
As for this video I’m going to share with you strategies on how you can kick-start your online business or your business using online tools and resources.
One question that my followers always ask me is how much do they need to actually start a business using online resources? The capital for this i would say that it’s less than RM4000 or less than USD1000 to start a business in Malaysia.
Watch “How to Start A Business in Malaysia (2021)” full video below.
#1 Use A Website As Your Store or Office
If I were to start a business in Malaysia again using online resources, I would start using a website as my store or office. In the olden days if you wanted to start a shop or you wanted to start an office, you would always go and rent or buy an office or a shop and that would almost probably cost you like more than ten thousand ringgit a year.
But today you can start one just using a website or web store which will cost you around or less than RM1000. This is really really like a low startup capital compared to having a brick and mortar shop.
A website is very important because it helps you to build trust and for people to know more about your business. You need to have a web presence today to be more trustworthy and this is what people judge nowadays. It has become more important today because there’s so many scams on the internet and even as I know certain banks will require you to have a website when you want to open a bank account so it is advisable to start with a website.
If you are a technical expert, you can learn how to build a website but if you’re not my advice is get an expert to build it for you. But you need to ensure that the expert has to be someone who run the business using their own website as well so that they know what kind of website and how do you want to structure the website based on your business.
If you’re interested to get a website idea, you can head over to our portfolio and see some of the websites we built for our clients:
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#2 Decide on Your Product/ Service
Nextis that you need to decide on a product (when I say product it includes your services as well).
If you already have a business then it is easy, just choose one that you think can sell online or repackage it to sell online. Some of my clients who run a restaurant business, they repackage their ready meal (food) and use the ingredients and pack it into a nice box or container so that they can ship or deliver it to their customers. And all the customers need to do is just to steam it or put on an oven to bake it then their meal is ready.
So they made their food product become something shippable that they can send or deliver to their customers. Now you have to find a product that is shippable or deliverable then you have a product to sell now.
Start with just one product. You don’t have to prepare thousands of products.
If you are providing services like me. I’m a consultant and I do face-to-face training but since last year MCO, I have packaged my training to be able to conduct online. It is like a recorded online training or a virtual training plus coaching as well.
Since last year I’ve already done this not only in Malaysia where I conduct this for my clients in China and Philippines as well. All you need is to repackage your service so that you are able to do it online.

#3 Promote Your Product or Service Online
Once you have chosen your product or services, the next thing is promoting your product or service.
I know there are many ways you can promote your product or service. Right now the best way is to learn how to use social media to promote. Now we are using social media to promote all our businesses. For example, our consulting and training in the b2b market, we are using Linkedin to market. Our website marketing agency targets entrepreneurs and micro businesses, we are using facebook to market.
You want to start with that one product that you already have or decide and then see who are your target customers and what kind of social media platform they use mostly. If they are mostly on Facebook then you should learn how to use Facebook to market to them. If they are on Instagram then you want to learn how to use Instagram to market to them.
There are many different marketing tools available today which is a good thing but the bad side of it is that some people would go and learn everything before they decide to market their products. And that is a huge mistake because you will never stop learning. All these platforms keep changing over time so the best way is to find one platform and start learning how to do it.
If possible, get a coach to guide you because it is easier and faster for you to get results. There’s so much to learn even on Facebook marketing itself. In order for you to learn everything about Facebook marketing, most probably it takes you months but you actually do not need to learn all the things inside Facebook marketing because what you want is to market your one product.
Maybe it only needs to take one method or one strategy then you can start seeing sales coming in. It is not actually as difficult as you think so find a coach or someone who can guide you who has done it before. All they did is to guide you to come up with one strategy or one method then use that method and start getting sales.
If you want to grow further then learn some more but from what I’ve experienced working with our clients, maybe one or two strategies is already good enough for them to build a great business. So focus on getting sales, not just learning the nitty gritty of all these marketing tools.
If you really want to start a business in Malaysia, focus on these three things. I know there are many other things you can do like email marketing, content marketing and a lot of other cool stuff but focus on doing these three things and I can guarantee you can get your business started within the next seven days. You do not need to take four years to get a degree or masters only start your business.
I hope I can give you an idea and help you to focus especially during this MCO 3.0 period to start a business in Malaysia.
If you are interested in being coached, you may click this link below to book a Free 30-minute consultation session for me to understand your business or business plan and see whether I can help you in growing your business online. 👇👇👇